![teacher photo](https://d009.wzu.edu.tw/datas/temp/thumbnail/200x200-2578-S__208805923.jpg)
劉於侖 LIU WU-LUN 中心主任 Director
- 辦公室A400-1 / Z1018
- 聯絡電話2261 / 7612
- 聯絡信箱95174@mail.wzu.edu.tw / sa7501@mail.wzu.edu.tw
- 綜合中心業務
- 推動就業輔導業務
- 中心預算規劃與執行督導
- 督導各項專案執行與成效考核
- 推動校外實習業務
- 協助中心業務與計畫推展
- Manage various center-related matters
- Job information services & Domestic & oversea internship programs
- Budget planning and implement
- Supervise various projects and evaluate the results
- Mestic & oversea internship programs
- Assistance for center-related business and project