職稱/Title |
主任Director |
姓名/Name |
黃翠玲 |
校內分機/Extension |
2261 |
電子郵件/Email |
95015@mail.wzu.edu.tw |
主要職掌/Job Description |
綜理中心業務 In charge of daily operation
業務細目 |
綜合中心業務 Manage various center-related matters |
推動就業輔導業務 Job information services Domestic & oversea internship programs |
中心預算規劃與執行督導 Budget planning and implement |
督導各項專案執行與成效考核 Supervise various projects and evaluate the results |
推動校外實習業務 mestic & oversea internship programs |
協助中心業務與計畫推展 Assistance for center-related business and project |
職稱/Title |
組員 Senior Staff
姓名/Name |
校內分機/Extension |
電子郵件/Email |
主要職掌/Job Description |
實習輔導 Intership Guidance
業務細目 |
辦理學生實習與就業業務 Internship and career-related services |
教育部補助校外實習課程計畫 Subsidy for off-campus internships from MOI |
辦理實習就業媒合活動 Carry out activities for internships and job bank |
中心財產保管 Center property management |
學生實習心得認證 Intern report verification |
實習相關資料庫填報 Fill in information for internship database |
文藻104求才求職平台管理 Managing Wenzao 104 job bank |
職稱/Title |
組員 Senior Staff |
姓名/Name |
方祈翔 | ||
校內分機/Extension |
2264 |
電子郵件/Email |
sa7504@mail.wzu.edu.tw |
主要職掌/Job Description |
職涯輔導 Career Guidance
業務細目 |
執行畢業生流向調查 Carry out Graduates’mobility survey |
辦理校園就業博覽會 Campus Job Fair
畢業流向相關資料庫填報 Fill in information forGraduates’mobility survey |
辦理學生生涯輔導活動(勞動部結合大專校院辦理就業服務補助計畫) Career counseling activities |
執行雇主滿意度調查 Carry out employer satisfaction survey |
畢業生離校前意向調查業務Mobility survey before graduation |
工讀生訓練與輔導 Student worker training and counseling |
職稱/Title |
組員 Senior Staff |
姓名/Name |
陳姿廷 |
校內分機/Extension |
2265 |
電子郵件/Email |
sa7505@mail.wzu.edu.tw |
主要職掌/Job Description |
職涯輔導 Career Guidance
業務細目 |
辦理五專部畢業生投入職場展翅計畫 To deal with the project of the scholarship and job for junior college program |
統籌教育部學海築夢/新南向學海築夢計畫 Organization of pilot overseas internships |
五專展翅計畫資料庫填報 Fill in information for the project of the scholarship and job for junior college program |
教育部學海築夢/新南向學海築夢計畫資料庫填報 Fill in information for Organization of pilot overseas internships |
辦理全校海內外實習生保險 Internship Insurance services |
辦理專業證照獎勵金業務 Rewards for professional licenses/certificates |
辦理學生生涯輔導活動(學輔經費、青年署職涯輔導計畫、獎補助經費計畫) Career counseling activities |
執行W-Portfolio推廣活動 W-portfolio promotion activities |